
The fabric of reality


This book gives a beautiful insight. I read it after is was recomended indirectly by Demis Hassabis.

Letโ€™s think about an atoms of carbon. Letโ€™s try to predict itโ€™s movement. It feels very much like a physical problem like the one teach at school. And indeed there are equations that can help us answer this question. And theses equations can help solve big problems and have applications.


That said, if this atoms of carbon is part of a chess piece, all the classic physic will be helpless to predict itโ€™s next move. Predicting the move of it will require the understanding of the rules of chess, and about who is playing.

The book explore the creation of a theory of everything that would be able to explains everything in the universe, including minds, and quantum physics. The goals is to create somthing that make sense for all theses level.